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Sublimation Offset Printing Ink Thinner
Time:2016-03-31 Click:106

Sublimation offset printing ink added diluent has two functions, First, reduce the viscosity of the ink; the second is make the ink become thin to increasing the flow properties of the ink.

In the printing project, when the ink viscosity too large, or because of the relatively poor quality of the paper, it will occur off edition and other problems to affect the normal printing. In this case, Except using anti-blocking agent to reduce the viscosity of the ink, sometimes we can add a small amount of a diluent to reduce the viscosity of the ink. But for relatively thin and sticky ink, it is better to use anti-blocking agent.

Oil-type ink generally use low-viscosity mineral oil as diluent; Resin-based ink can be used low viscosity vegetable oil, high boiling point of kerosene and a small amount of kerosene-type resin varnish as a diluent.

Sublimation Offset Printing Ink

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