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Effect of water-ink balance on ink emulaification in offset printing
Time:2018-08-30 Click:137

 According to the phase-volume theory of emulsion formation in colloid chemistry: 

    After the water-ink is emulsified, in order to ensure that the W/O type emulsion ink suitable for printing is obtained, the volume of the wetting liquid must be controlled to be less than 26% of the total volume of the emulsion. However, the water supply is too small, and the water film in the blank part is not enough to resist the extension of the ink layer to the blank part, resulting in a dirty and paste plate. Therefore, the meaning of the water-ink balance based on the phase-volume theory can be summarized as follows: under certain printing speed and pressure, the supply amount of the wetting liquid is adjusted so that the volume ratio of the wetting liquid contained in the emulsified ink is between 15% and 26%, forming a W/O type emulsion ink with a slight degree water-in-oil, strive to compete with the ink on the plate with a minimum amount of liquid. Water-ink balance has a certain tolerance level, but ink emulsification will cause harm to print, so printing workers are required to strictly control the water supply amount, under the premise of not being scumming, as far as possible to reduce water supply, reducing ink emulsification. offset sublimation printing ink

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