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Secondary sublimation phenomenon
Time:2016-04-25 Click:100

Secondary sublimation phenomenon that is after the transfer of the finished product image migrated to other finished products. Semi-finished or finished products piled up too thick and too high that occurred oxidizing exothermic reaction, thus making the temperature rise.


Processing method

  Secondary sublimation phenomenon often occurred in the process of finished product piling up, common in the summer.General transferred after the finished goods piled up too high, in the process of ink drying produce larger quantity of heat, during which are lack of oxygen, and time is a bit long, will be stained to the upper finished products, that is greatly affect the quality of the product.

  To solve such problem should give priority to prevention. First of all, finished products do not pile up too high. Secondly, should be ventilated in 2-4 hours, in order to increase the finished products between the air and help its diffusion heat. Finally, to ensure that the finished product storehouse temperature is not too high.

FLYING Sublimation Printing Material Co., Ltd

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